Feb 06, 2025  
2019-2020 Academic Catalog 
2019-2020 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Academic Policies and Information


Click on any of the following links for information:


Definitions and Explanations


Course Format

Amarillo College offers courses in a variety of formats designed to assist students in successfully achieving course learning objectives. The four basic course formats are:

  • Traditional Course - Instruction delivered 100% face-to-face contact with the instructor. A disclaimer will be added to all traditional course offering information to alert students they are expected to use computers with internet capability to enhance their learning. (May be lecture, laboratory, lecture/laboratory, clinical, practicum, internship, cooperative experience.)
  • Online Course - Instruction delivered 100% over the internet. (Does not require a student to come to an Amarillo College campus for any portion of the course.)
  • Hybrid/Blended Course - A course in which a majority (more than 50 percent but less that 85 percent) of the planned instruction occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not in the same place.
  • Enhanced Online Course - A course which may have mandatory face-to-face sessions totaling no more than 15 percent of the instructional time.  Examples of face-to-face sessions include orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test.
  • Interactive Television Course - A course utilizing interactive television instruction to provide two-way, real-time communication between instructor and students who are geographically separated.

Units of Credit - Semester Hours

Academic credit at Amarillo College is granted on the basis of semester hours. In general, a semester hour of credit is given for passing work in one lecture period of 50 minutes each week, two to four laboratory hours each week, or four to 16 clinical hours each week for 16 weeks.

Course Numbers

All courses are designated with a prefix, which denotes the field of study, and a four-digit course number.

Course Numbering Guideline

  • The first digit of the number indicates the classification of the course: 1 - freshman, 2 - sophomore, 0 - developmental.
  • The second digit indicates the number of semester hours credit the course carries.
  • The last two digits indicate the course sequence. Thus English 1301 would be the first English course in the sequence.
  • Courses listing a Texas Common Course Number comply with the Texas Common Course Numbering System (TCCNS). These courses are designed to transfer to public colleges and universities in Texas.
  • Courses that are designed for a specific technical program follow the Workforce Education Course Manual content and numbering system.

Semester Load

The minimum semester load for full-time status in a fall or spring semester is 12 credit hours. Students who wish to enroll in more than 21 hours must have the approval of their academic advisor.

A summer semester consists of a variety of variable length terms. The normal summer semester load is six to eight hours. Students who wish to enroll in more than nine hours must have the approval of their academic advisor.

Academic Freedom for Students


Students shall be free to be guided by scholarly research, study the substance of a given discipline, examine pertinent data, question assumptions, take reasoned exception to information and views offered in the classroom, and reserve judgment about matters of opinion.

Academic Standing


Students must meet academic standards in work completed at Amarillo College each semester. The College places those students who fail to meet these standards on academic probation or academic suspension. Students who meet or exceed academic standards set by the College will be considered in good standing. In determining academic standing, the College considers grades earned only at Amarillo College.

Academic Probation


A student will be placed on academic probation when the student’s semester grade-point average falls below a 2.0 and the student’s cumulative grade-point average is less than 2.5. For purposes of determining academic probation, all course work taken during the summer terms in a given year will be considered as one semester.  For information on dual credit academic probation and suspension policies, visit the dual credit Web page. 


Academic probation is effective for at least one semester. The summer term may serve as a probation semester.


A student is removed from academic probation when a 2.0 grade-point average or better is earned on all work attempted at Amarillo College during the semester that the student is on probation.

Academic Suspension


A student on probation who fails to bring his/her semester grade-point average up to a minimum of 2.0 will be suspended through the next semester. For purposes of determining academic suspension, all course work taken during the summer terms in a given year will be considered as one semester.

A student receiving Veteran’s Administration benefits who is placed on academic suspension will be reported to the VA as making unsatisfactory progress.


Academic suspension is effective for at least one semester.  Both summer sessions may serve as the suspension semester. 

  • A student who is on suspension from Amarillo College will not be allowed to attend classes during his/her one semester of suspension.  After the student sits out for one semester, the student can return to school on academic probation.
  • If a student transfers to Amarillo College from another institution, and was placed on academic suspension at that institution, the student will not be allowed to attend classes until the suspension term(s) has been completed. 

 Appeals for Reinstatement during Suspension

  • Students on academic suspension who have not completed their term of suspension may appeal to the Academic Appeals Subcommittee for immediate reinstatement when extenuating circumstances exist.  Students must complete the Request for Appeal of Suspension form found at www.actx.edu/registrar and submit to the Registrar’s office by the appropriate deadline to be considered.  Students will receive notification of the decision from the Academic Appeals Committee prior to start of the term.  For information on dual credit academic probation and suspension policies, visit the dual credit Web page. 


After the suspension semester, the student is eligible for readmission to Amarillo College the next semester on academic probation.

Academic Support Services


Services for Students with Disabilities

The disAbility Services Department coordinates services for students with disabilities.  Those services include:

  • academic advising
  • testing accommodations
  • tutoring
  • classroom accommodations
  • registration assistance
  • barrier-free access to campus facilities

In addition to working closely with various state and local agencies, disAbility Services coordinates efforts with Amarillo College administration, faculty, and staff in providing services for students with disabilities.

For more information, contact disAbility Services at 806-345-5639 or www.actx.edu/disability.


Amarillo College offers FREE tutoring services for all students enrolled in any Amarillo College class on or off campus.

  • Math Outreach Center: Walk-in and by-appointment tutoring for any Math class offered at AC (more info: 806.371.5110)
    Science Enrichment Center: Walk-in and by-appointment tutoring for any Science class offered at AC (more information:  806.645.5536)
  • Writers’ Corner: Walk-in tutoring for any writing assignment in any class (more info: 806.345.5580)
  • Natalie Buckthal Tutoring Center: Walk-in and by-appointment homework help, test prep, and writing and study skills tutoring for all classes excepting math and sciences; don’t see a tutor on this list that meets your needs? Come in or call, and we’ll match you with a tutor who can help.  (more info: 806.371.5432)
  • Smarthinking: Fully-online tutoring for Writing, Mathematics, Biology, Intro to Human A & P, Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Physics, Economics, Accounting, Intro to Finance, Statistics, and Spanish (more info: 806.371.5432)
  • West Campus Tutoring Outreach Center: Walk-in and by-appointment tutoring for any Health Sciences class offered on AC’s West Campus (more info: 806.354.6020)


Academic Services




Amarillo College considers academic advising essential to college success. Advisors assist students with course planning, academic/career plans as well as transfer and employment information. Most of the academic advising is done through the Advising Center located in the Student Services Center, Suite 130, on the Washington St. Campus. Other advising services may be located on our additional Amarillo College campuses: West Campus, East Campus, Moore County Campus, and the Everett and Mabel McDougal Hinkson Memorial Campus. 


The college provides an intrusive and appreciative academic advising model for our students.  Students must meet with their academic advisor each semester to receive registration clearance. Advising Services can assist students with the registration process. Students who receive registration clearance and choose to self-register, can do so online via AC Connect through Student Planning. Self-registering students are cautioned, however, that it is solely their responsibility to ensure that course choices fulfill their degree requirements. This is why it’s important meet with an advisor prior to self-registering.


Concurrent and dual credit students should refer to the Academic Outreach office or the dual credit website.


It is important to utilize advising services for more than just scheduling of classes. Advisors are trained to respect students’ needs and help them:

•identify areas of interest

•formulate an academic plan

•create personal career action plans

•explore realistic employment opportunities

•explore resources to overcome stumbling blocks

•identify academic ambitions and frustrations

•serve as a point of contact when they “just need someone to talk to”

Students may obtain additional advising information online at www.actx.edu/advising or by contacting the Advising Center at 806-371-5440.



TThe Advocacy and Resource Center is located on the Washington Street Campus inside of the Ware Student Commons (1st floor,  Suite 108).  We can be reached at 371 - 5446.  The Advocacy and Resource Center is the home to four programs:

Amarillo College Food Pantry: Visit us twice a month to access food, hygiene products, and toiletries.

Amarillo College Clothing Closet: Whether it be for class, job interviews, or to complete your work uniform, visit our clothing closet for your clothing needs. We also carry coats, shoes, and accessories.

Adult Students Program: This scholarship available for students who qualify. To apply, please visit www.actx.edu/foundation.

  • tuition, childcare, transportation, textbook and emergency assistance (subject to: meeting needs’ criteria & availability of funds) 

Social Services Program: This program is available to assist students with emergency needs and to connect students with resources on campus and in the community as needed. (subject to: meeting needs’ criteria & availability of funds) 

Additional information is available at: https://www.actx.edu/arc/



We are your one-stop destination that offers a free and comprehensive career planning resources.


  • MyPlan (Career Assessment)
    It’s important to pursue a job/career that “fits”. To discover the best jobs/careers for you it is therefore important for you first to identify your skills, interests, personality and work-related values…
  • College Central Network (Job Postings)
    College Central Network is a job posting system that has multiple on-campus, part-time, full-time, and internship job positions… 
  • Career Guidance
    Not sure of the career direction you want to take? Need some help getting started? Schedule an appointment to meet with a career counselor to review career plans, develop a winning resume…
  • Resumes
    A great resume is a critical component of finding the job of your dreams…
  • Cover Letters
    A cover letter (sometimes called a letter of inquiry or letter of application) is a business-style letter that accompanies every resume you send to prospective employers…
  •  Interviewing
    While a great resume will land you an interview, the interview is often what will land your that dream job. Check out our interviewing advice to ace that interview!
  •  Job Search Strategies
    So, you’re ready to make your move, ready for action. Whether you’re looking for an internship or a full-time job after college, the process of looking for the position (and employer!) that’s right for you is pretty much the same…
  • Networking
    Networking begins with simply talking to people - everyone from your professors to your neighbors to your friend’s sister to your customer at the place where you work. Everyone you talk to may potentially suggest another person who might help you, and your circle of contacts grows - get the idea?
  • Elevator Pitch - 30 Second Commercial
    You only have 30-60 seconds to make a powerful first impression. The attention span of the average person is just 30 seconds before their mind starts wandering…
  •  Workforce Solutions
    On-site Workforce Development Specialist focusing on employment services, career exploration, and Workforce Investment Act programs
  • Student Money Management Center
    Provides assistance on a variety of topics that support student financial literacy and success.  Topics include budgeting, credit, savings, banking, and college costs and resources.



Regular attendance is necessary for satisfactory achievement. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the student to attend class in accordance with the requirements of the course as established by the instructor. Attendance and/or participation requirements in courses delivered electronically (telecourses and on-line courses) will be unique to the individual course.

Students who do not attend class on or prior to the census date will be administratively dropped from the classes they have not attended.

Religious Holy Days

Amarillo College shall excuse a student from attending classes or other required activities including examinations for the observance of a religious holy day, including travel for that purpose. A student whose absence is excused for this observance may not be penalized for that absence and shall be allowed to take an examination or complete an assignment from which the student is excused within a reasonable time after the absence.

Amarillo College may not excuse absences for religious holy days which may interfere with patient care.

If a student and an instructor disagree about the nature of the absence being for the observance of a religious holy day, or if there is a similar disagreement about whether the student has been given a reasonable time to complete any missed assignments or examinations, either the student or the instructor may request a ruling from the President of Amarillo College or his or her designee. The student and the instructor shall abide by the decision of the President or the designee.

Class Cancellations


Weather Closing Policy

If Amarillo College campuses are closed because of inclement weather, an official announcement will be made through all local television stations and KGNC radio. The message will also be posted on the college website and the College’s main telephone number (806) 371-5000.

Morning closings will be announced by 6:30 a.m. The decision to close or change evening classes will be made by 3:00 p.m. If a decision to cancel classes or close a campus is made during the day, students will be notified through the media and website. If no announcement is made, the College is open as normally scheduled.

Please listen closely to weather announcements as one campus may be closed while others remain open.



Alternative Methods of Earning Credit 

Academic credit may be granted through alternative methods to students who meet certain criteria and pay the required processing fee. This option is reserved for students who are currently enrolled and have a declared major appropriate for the credit. Amarillo College cannot guarantee credit received through alternative methods will be recognized by transfer institutions and recommends students verify transferability prior to applying for credit.

Each request will be reviewed for appropriateness and approval. Credit awarded by one of these alternative methods will appear on the student’s transcript with a grade of “E.”

Prior Learning Credit Policy

Amarillo College allows up to 36 semester credit hours for Prior Learning Credit with additional considerations given to credit earned by licensure. Academic departments have the freedom to grant credit based on their individual departmental Prior Learning policy. Please see the Prior Learning Assessment webpage (coming Fall 2018) to obtain more information on each individual program’s practice of accepting Prior Learning Credit. 

The types of prior learning credit that Amarillo College accepts are: 

  • Credit by Exam (ACT, AP, CLEP, SAT)
  • Credit by Departmental Exam
  • Continuing Education (CE) Conversion of Credit
  • DANTES test scores for military students
  • Experience 
  • High School Articulated Credit
  • International Baccalaureate (IB) Credit
  • Professional Licensures
  • Professional Certifications
  • Portfolio

Articulated High School Career and Technical Credit 

This special articulated credit program allows high school students to receive college credit for technical and career courses they completed while in high school.  The articulation process eliminates the need for duplication of courses at the college level.

A list of partner high schools and articulated courses can be found at the following location: http://www.actx.edu/ctl/careerclusters.

AC students who are graduates of partner high schools and wish to receive articulated credit must provide an official high school transcript demonstrating successful completion (grade of A or B) of an articulated course(s) and complete the Application for Articulated Credit.  All petitions for credit are evaluated by the Amarillo College Registrar’s Office.

Credit by Examination

College credit can be granted for successful completion of selected examinations from the testing programs described below. Students are responsible for having their test results sent to the Registrar’s Office and filing the petition for credit. Registration materials for testing are available at the Testing Center and in most secondary schools. More information about these exams can be found under forms on the Registrar’s webpage. No more than 36 credits for an associate’s degree can be earned by examinations.

Contact the Amarillo College Testing Center in the Student Service Center, Room 101, for information on the following programs:

  • ACT Testing Program

ACT examinations consist of four sub-tests in math, English, Science, Social Studies and an optional writing test. Amarillo College awards credit for English and Math based on qualifying ACT scores.

  • College Board Advanced Placement (AP)

Program examinations are offered in participating secondary schools in May of each year. Information may be obtained by calling the local public school administration, or by visiting the Educational Testing Service online at www.ets.org. Students may obtain a complete list of Amarillo College courses for which AP credit may be granted. Contact Testing Services for more information. Credit may be granted for a score of three or above to qualified students.

  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Amarillo College grants semester-hour credit for certain CLEP examinations which measure achievement in specific courses. Students may obtain a complete list of Amarillo College courses for which CLEP credit may be granted. Contact Testing Services for more information.


    DANTES test scores for military students will be accepted based on the approved CLEP list of specific courses.  A military transcript and/or a DANTES score report must be on file with the Registrar’s Office.
  • SAT Testing Program

This program consists of the SAT I-Reasoning Test with writing and the SAT II-Subject Tests. Students may qualify for English and Mathematics credit at Amarillo College according to scores on these exams.

Credit for Military Experience

Students may be granted credit for officially documented military experiences. If applicable, credit may include 3 semester of Physical Education (see Physical Education Credit for Military Service). Credit will be awarded according to recommendations published by the American Council of Education (ACE).

Petitioners are encouraged to submit one of the following military transcripts to the Office of the Registrar: Army/ACE Registry Transcript System (AARTS), Sailor/Marine American Council on Education Registry Transcript (SMART) or Community College of the Air Force Transcript (CCAF). In some cases, other military documentation may be required.

Departmental Examinations

Several departments within the college prepare, administer and score comprehensive examinations. Each student will pay a $25 per credit hour examination fee. A score of “C” or higher on one of these exams will qualify a student for credit in the specific course covered by the examination. Students should contact the department chair for additional information. No more than 36 credits for an associate’s degree can be earned by departmental examinations.

Conversion of Continuing Education to Academic Credit

Academic credit may be awarded for learning achieved through the Amarillo College Continuing Education program. Students must meet the same academic rigor as those students taking the course for academic credit, earning a “C” or higher to qualify for credit in the equivalent academic course. Each student will pay a posting fee of $25 per credit hour. Students should contact the department chair for additional information.  

Credit by Experience

Credit may be awarded for learning achieved through experiences outside typical educational settings when it is consistent with the educational objectives of the student, the requirements of the curriculum and the policy on granting credit for experience. Awarding of credit will be considered for the following experience:

  • military training and experience;
  • other experiences with appropriate documentation.

Students must:

  • Contact the department chair specific to the subject area to see if their request is feasible.
  • Prepare application for credit by experience identifying course chosen for credit.
  • Each application/portfolio must include a written justification by the student.
  • Prepare portfolio documenting experience-should include, but is not limited to the following:
    • previous education related to course;
    • previous work experience, military, etc., including dates, titles, job descriptions;
    • in-service training workshops, including dates, topics, certificates or transcripts;
    • letter from employers, volunteer agencies, regulatory agencies supporting experience;
    • return application to department.
  • Pay a posting fee of $25 per credit hour upon approval of credit.
  • No more than 36 credits for an associate’s degree can be earned for credit by experience.

Professional Licensure

Credit will be awarded for learning achieved through a professional licensure when it is consistent with the educational objectives of the student, the requirements of the curriculum and the policy on granting credit for licensure. Awarding of credit will be considered for the following:

  • professional certificates, licenses and credentials such as FAA licenses, medical field licenses, etc.;
  • learning achieved through proprietary schools, apprenticeship or other in-house training programs.

Students must:

  • Contact the department chair specific to the subject area to see if their request is feasible.
  • Prepare application for credit by licensure identifying course chosen for credit.
  • Prepare portfolio documenting experience - should include, but is not limited to the following:
    • professional certificates, licenses;
    • letter from employers, volunteer agencies, regulatory agencies supporting experience;
    • return application to department.
  • Each student will pay a $5 per credit hour posting fee.
  • No more than 36 credits for an associate’s degree can be earned by licensure.

Advanced Standing (Without Credit)

Office Technology, Language, and Mathematics offer advance placement without credit to qualified students. Students may contact the department chairs for further information.

External Learning Experience

An External Learning Experience (ELE) is a competency-based learning experience that enhances lecture and laboratory instruction and is provided at work sites appropriate to a student’s field of study. The ELE allows the student to have practical, hands-on training and to apply learned concepts and theories in a workplace setting. There are four types of External Learning Experiences: clinicals, internships, practica, and cooperative education.

Each program of study determines the type of External Learning Experience that best meets the needs of its students. To participate in an External Learning Experience, students should have completed six semester hours in their occupational major and must have approval from their program manager. The number of semester hour credits students earn depends on the type of External Learning Experience and the number of approved work hours. In addition to the work experience, Cooperative Education students must attend a lecture series totaling 16 hours. This lecture series earns students one semester credit hour.

External Learning Experience students find that their studies have greater relevance when on-the-job experience is combined with classroom instruction. This integration of work and study increases the student’s competence and motivation because it reinforces why learning is necessary. Also, the student’s interaction with fellow workers and supervisors helps the student develop important human relations skills.

Developmental Education Policy

A student who is not TSI met in all areas must be continuously enrolled in one or more developmental education courses until TSI complete.

Distance Education


The Distance Education Program provides access to Amarillo College courses and support services for students separated by time and/or physical location from traditional classroom settings. Distance courses have the same features as on-campus courses in terms of academic quality, objectives, credit hours, content and transferability and require the same effort and commitment. Currently, students may take online, hybrid, and enhanced online courses over the Internet. These courses offer flexibility to students who have time and distance constraints (www.actx.edu).

Online Courses

AC also offers online courses. Instead of attending regular classes on campus, students access weekly lessons and assignments on the Internet. Students must have access to a computer with the following system requirements:

  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7 or later, Mac OS 10.8 or later, Chrome OS
  • Supported Browsers*: Chrome (36 or higher), FIrefox (31 or higher), Safari (6 or higher) Mac only, Internet Explorer (9 or higher) Windows only, Edge (1 or higher) Windows  only
  • Java Runtime Environment 7 or higher
  • JavaScript and AJAX enabled; Pop-Up blocking disabled
  • Acrobat Reader, Quicktime, and Adobe Flash Player


*Mobile versions of these browsers aren’t supported at this time, although users may have success using them.


Hybrid Courses

A course in which a majority (at least 50 percent but less that 85 percent) of the planned instruction occurs when the students and instructor(s) are not in the same place.

Enhanced Online Courses

A course which may have mandatory face-to-face sessions totaling no more than 15 percent of the instructional time.  Examples of face-to-face sessions include orientation, laboratory, exam review, or an in-person test.

Final Examinations


The schedule for final exams will be published each semester at www.actx.edu/registrar.

Grades and Reports


Students’ semester grades in all courses are filed in the Registrar’s Office, and these are the official record of the College. A grade once earned and recorded cannot be removed. If a student repeats a course one or more times, the highest grade is the one counted toward fulfillment of degree requirements.

Grade Points       (Quality Points)
A   Excellent   4 grade points
B   Good   3 grade points
C   Average   2 grade points
D   Poor   1 grade point
F   Failure   0 grade points
I   Incomplete   Not computed
W   Withdrawal   Not computed
WE   Withdrawal Exception   Not computed
AU   Audit   Not computed

A grade point, or quality point, is the numerical value given to letter grades. Note above that an “A” is represented by a “4.” This means that an “A” in a one-credit-hour course earns 4 grade, or quality points. An “A” in a three credit-hour course earns 12 grade, or quality points, etc.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

Semester Grade Point Average - The semester GPA is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted, including grades assigned for remedial/developmental course work and excluding all but the highest grade assigned where courses have been repeated. (Courses repeated at other schools will not apply to this policy.) This grade point average appears on official transcripts after each term enrolled.

Cumulative Grade Point Average - The overall GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted, excluding grades assigned for remedial/developmental course work and all but the highest grade assigned where courses have been repeated. (Courses repeated at other schools will not apply to this policy.) This grade point average appears on official transcripts after each term enrolled.

Graduation Grade Point Average - The graduation GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned by the total number of credit hours attempted, excluding remedial/developmental course grades and all but the highest grade assigned where courses have been repeated. (Courses repeated at other schools will not apply to this policy.) Any student with a graduation GPA below 2.00 may petition the Vice President and Dean of Instruction to exclude grades in courses not required for their degree or certificate. If the student is granted permission to exclude grades he will not be considered for graduation with honors. The graduation GPA is used to determine eligibility for graduation and will not appear on the transcript.

For multiple enrollments, failing grade(s) will be omitted and last grade counts.

Calculate your GPA.

Grade of “I”

An “I” (Incomplete) may be given when a portion of course requirements, such as an exam or a report, has not been completed. The student and instructor must complete a Contract for Incomplete Grade form prior to the granting of a grade of “I.” If the course is not completed by the specified deadline, the “I” will be changed to an F. The student is entirely responsible for completing the work that will remove the “I.”

Change of Grade

Any grade change must be made by the instructor of record, or in the absence of the instructor, by the department chair. Requests for grade changes made more than six months after the initial grade determination must also be approved by the division chair and Vice President of Academic Affairs. Grade changes will not be made without sufficient justification.

Department Grading Policies

Please note that there are exceptions for repeating courses in specific degree programs.  Also, there are some programs that require a specific grade (letter grade or percentage) to advance to the next course within the program. Please see the individual department or program grading policies.

Guarantee for Job Competency


Amarillo College guarantees that recipients of an Associate of Applied Science degree or Certificate of Completion will possess technical job skills identified as exit competencies for his or her specific degree program and required for an entry-level position in the occupation for which the program was designed. If such a graduate is judged by his or her employer to be lacking in those skills, the graduate will be provided up to 12 tuition-free credit hours or additional skill training by Amarillo College under the conditions of the guarantee policy. Students should contact the Registrar’s Office for additional information.



Scholastic Honors Lists

A scholastic honors list will be published after the end of each (fall and spring) semester. Students must be enrolled in 12 or more hours of academic courses (nonremedial) and make a grade point average of 3.6 or above to qualify for the honors list. Any student not wanting his or her name published must submit a nondisclosure form to the Registrar’s Office prior to the twelfth class day. Students do not need to enroll in Honors classes or participate in the Presidential Scholars Program to qualify for the Scholastic Honors Lists.  Students enrolled in Honors sections and/or members of the Presidential Scholars Program are not automatically qualified for the scholastic honors lists.

Presidential Scholar Honors Program

  • The Presidential Scholars Program is an application-only learning community consisting of a small group of AC students selected on the basis of their academic and extracurricular achievements.  Applications are reviewed and interviews are conducted in the spring prior to anticipated Fall enrollment.
  • Scholars complete four Honors courses and two semesters of the Scholars Seminar and participate in student-centered learning experiences that promote intellectual growth, cultural appreciation, professional focus, leadership development, and civic participation.      
  • Presidential Scholars receive tuition and travel scholarships.
  • Presidential Scholar courses and Honors courses are designated on the official transcript and students who complete the Scholars Program receive an additional notation.
  • For admission and advising information, see https://www.actx.edu/honors/index.php?module=article&id=13 or email honors@actx.edu.

Additional Honors Courses

  • Any student with a GPA of 3.0 or greater may enroll in Honors sections, as space allows. An application is not necessary.
  • Honors sections provide courses designed especially for students who want to excel in college.  The courses are NOT designed to be harder; however, they will challenge you to do your best work.  Because the classes are small, faculty can devote special attention in helping you be successful.
  • Additional Honors courses may include offerings in English, Biology, Speech, Music, Psychology, History, Mathematics, etc.
  • Honors courses are designated on the official transcript.
  • For more information see the FAQs page at www.actx.edu/honors or email honors@actx.edu.

Amarillo College Library



Amarillo College students may use all the facilities in the library’s two branches, Lucille King Lynn Library on the Washington Street Campus and the West Campus Library located in the Northwest Branch of the Amarillo Public Library.

Lynn Library provides most of the information and resources required for college courses. It houses the main printed book collection, study areas, and the Academic Computing Center - Washington.The Academic Computing Center is a collaborative work and study area equipped with computer workstations and course-based software, scanners and photocopiers. Research and projects can be completed with the help of the library’s technical, reference and instruction staffs.

The West Campus Library holds materials primarily for nursing and allied health studies, but materials are also provided for all programs located on West Campus. Computer workstations and related software are available. A librarian is on duty in the afternoons for research assistance.

Our computer workstations provide access to the World Wide Web. Over 28,000 electronic books and over 14,000 full-text periodicals in many individual disciplines are available at the library, work, or home through the Library’s web page.

Amarillo College Library is a member of the Harrington Library Consortium, a cooperative association of libraries throughout the Texas Panhandle. Members extend borrowing privileges to Amarillo College students. The consortium includes all branches of the Amarillo Public Library.

Testing Center


The Testing Center is located on the Washington Street Campus in the Student Services Center, Room 101. The Testing Center offers a variety of services to students, prospective students, instructors and community members, including standardized testing, make-up testing, instructional support, certification and competency examinations, and proctoring services for students enrolled in various distance learning programs. For a complete list of services and office hours, visit www.actx.edu/testing.



Transcripts of credits may be requested by visiting the Registrar’s Office webpage. All admission requirements and financial obligations to the College must be met in full before transcripts will be issued.



Transferability of course work is usually dependent on the receiving institution’s course content requirements. No university is required to accept in excess of 66 semester credit hours in transfer from a community college. A university may accept more than 66 semester credit hours by choice, but cannot be compelled to do so. All students who may wish to transfer course work from Amarillo College to any college or university should contact the Admissions Office at the school to assure transferability.

Students may also compare the common course numbers with the common course information from the school where they wish to transfer. Courses designed to transfer to public colleges and universities in Texas are designated with the Texas Common Course Number in the catalog. If students encounter transfer problems, they should contact the Office of the Registrar. Students transferring to public colleges and universities in Texas should contact the receiving institution regarding additional fees that may be charged if they enroll for credit hours that exceed those required for their degrees (see “Notices to Students” section of catalog for more information).

Transfer Dispute Resolution

The Texas Education Code Section 61.078 provides a means to aid students in resolving disputes regarding the transfer of course credits. To qualify as a dispute the course(s) in questions must be listed in the Community College General Academic Course Guide Manual and be offered at the receiving institution. The sending institution, or the student working through the senior institution, must initiate the dispute. From the date a student is notified of the denial of credit, the law allows a maximum of 45 calendar days for the resolution of the dispute by the sending and receiving institutions.

In order to challenge the denial of credit, a “Transfer Dispute Resolution” form, available in the Registrar’s Office, must be completed within 15 days after the student has been notified of the denial of credit. This form is sent to the receiving institution.

The receiving institution must then inform the student, the sending institution and the State Commissioner of Higher Education of the resolution. If need be, the Commissioner, or designee, may be called upon to resolve the dispute.


Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentally determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need. 

 Withdrawal Limitation Policy


Texas Education Code (Senate Bill 1231 - Rule §4.10) stipulates that students attending Texas institutions of higher education for the first time in the fall of 2007 and later may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic careers, including courses from which they have withdrawn at other Texas institutions of higher education.

Exceptions to this policy can be viewed on the Registrar’s Web site

To petition for additional exceptions, please submit the Exception to Withdrawal Policy Form (SB 1231) to the Office of the Registrar.