Mar 31, 2025  
2022-2023 Academic Catalog 
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Smart Start Center

Smart Start Center

(formerly the Success Center)

Washington Street Campus

Ware Student Commons 3rd Floor


Monday-Thursday 8:30AM to 8:30PM, Friday 8:30AM to 12:00PM


We strive to provide highly in-depth and individualized experiences to ensure student success.  Services include:


  • TSI Quick Reviews - TSI Quick Reviews are designed to facilitate students’ appropriate placement in courses at Amarillo College. The quick review is individualized and focuses on the skill at the level in which the student demonstrates.
  • MAPS (Mandatory Pre-Assessment Session) - mandatory information session prior to taking the TSI on campus and off campus
  • Ramp Up/Contextualized skill review prior to classes beginning.  This service allows students to understand strategies to help ramp up skills necessary for success in college level course work. 
  • Tutoring for co-req MATH and INRW courses provide by professional instructors. 
  • HESI Workshops - HESI Review is a 2 or 3 day review including Math, Reading Comprehension, and Vocabulary covered on the HESI assessment
  • Online Learning Repositories - HESI, BCIS, East Campus, and Education


High School Services

  • High School Boot Camps for TSI (75 minute sessions for students within a few points of the college readiness cut score)
  • MAPS (Mandatory Pre-Assessment Session) delivered on the high school campuses for any student wanting to take dual credit,  juniors prior to taking the TSI or seniors who haven’t taken the TSI. 
  • Maintenance of College Prep MOUs - College Prep Math and ELA senior courses


Amarillo College Tutoring for Success Policy

The Tutoring for Success policy applies to any student whose grade or performance in the course falls below a departmentaly determined minimum threshold. In either of those cases, the instructor will direct the student to the appropriate  tutoring service, which may be faculty-led, discipline-specific, and/or general. Under this policy, the instructor will follow specific departmental guidelines governing the use, duration, and grade component of the tutoring need.