Feb 12, 2025  
2015-2016 Academic Catalog 
2015-2016 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Financial Aid


Click on any of the following links for information:

Financial Aid Definition


Financial aid is assistance that helps eligible students cover the costs of attending college.  These costs include direct expenses such as tuition, fees, books, and supplies as well as indirect expenses such as room and board, transportation, and personal expenses.  Financial aid is available through sources such as the federal government, state government, outside sources, and institutions and colleges. 

Rights and Responsibilities


You have the right to ask:

  • What financial assistance is available?
  • What are the deadlines for submitting applications?
  • What is the cost of attending?
  • What are the refund policies?
  • What are the criteria used to select eligible financial aid recipients?
  • How is financial need determined?
  • What are the criteria used to determine the amount of a student’s award?
  • What are criteria required to remain eligible for aid?
  • What are the progress standards that must be met to remain eligible for aid?
  • What are the methods of disbursing financial aid?
  • What are the methods for purchasing textbooks when using financial assistance?
  • What are the terms of any loans that are awarded and/or received under the Direct Loan program?
  • What are the general terms and conditions for student employment as part of a student’s award?
  • What exit counseling information is provided and collected by the college for any student loan borrower?

It is your responsibility to:

  • Be informed about the institution before you enroll.
  • Complete all forms accurately and submit them on time.
  • Read and understand forms you are asked to sign.
  • Update personal information such as name, mailing address, email address, and telephone number with the AskAC Center and Financial Aid Office when necessary.
  • Accept responsibility for all agreements you sign.
  • Check your Amarillo College student assigned email for any correspondence relating to your financial aid application and awards.

Types of Financial Aid


For a more detailed list of aid see the Financial Aid Types on the Financial Aid website at www.actx.edu/fin.


Grant aid is assistance that does not have to be repaid unless you withdraw from school and owe a refund.  Amounts vary based on the financial need of each applicant.  Grants are available through the federal and state government.  Applications for grants can be submitted by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov.


Scholarships are awarded based on certain information provided by the applicant and can came from a variety of sources such as industrial, service, and civic groups.  Amounts and criteria vary based on scholarship type.

Direct Loans

The Direct Loan program is available for students who need to cover costs of their education.   Interest is charged and loans must be repaid. Interest rates vary from year to year and students have up to ten years to pay back a direct loan. Students must be enrolled at least half-time to qualify for a direct loan.  Students wishing to apply for a Direct Loan at Amarillo College must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov and must submit a loan request form to the Financial Aid Office.

Federal Work-Study

The federal work study program allows students to be paid for certain types of on campus employment.  Federal work study students must be enrolled at least half-time for the Fall and Spring semesters and in at least three hours for the Summer semester.  Students wishing to apply for the Federal Work Study program must submit a Free Application for Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov.

Hazlewood Act

The Hazlewood Act is a State of Texas benefit that provides qualified Veterans, spouses, and dependent children with an education benefit of up to 150 hours of tuition exemption, including most fee charges, at public institutions of higher education in Texas.

Students who may be eligible for Hazlewood benefits are advised to visit the College for all Texans Website (www.collegeforalltexans.com) to review eligibility requirements, and then contact the Veteran’s Representative in the Amarillo College Registrar’s Office to initiate a formal application for benefits.  Applicants will be required to provide a copy of their WD53 or DD214.

Beginning with the fall 2014 semester, certain students who receive Hazlewood benefits will be required to meet the cumulative grade point average (GPA) component of the Amarillo College Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.  In order to meet SAP standards and remain eligible for their exemption/waiver, students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.  Hazlewood benefits exemptions will be suspended for students who fail to meet his standard.  Those students who receive the Hazlewood exemption for children or spouses of veterans killed in action, missing in action or who died as a result of a service-related illness or injury are not included in this policy.

For additional information regarding the Satisfactory Academic Progress standard, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 806-371-5000, financial@actx.edu or visit the website at www.actx.edu/fin.


Exemption and Waiver Students



Beginning with the fall 2014 semester, most Texas residents who receive exemptions or waivers will be required to meet the cumulative grade point average (GPA) component of the Amarillo College Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy.  In order to meet SAP standards and remain eligible for their exemption/waiver, students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA.  Exemptions and waivers will be suspended for students who fail to meet his standard.

The following exemptions and waivers are not included in the policy described above: foster care exemptions; exemption for ex-prisoners of war; Hazlewood exemption for children or spouses of veterans killed in action, missing in action or who died as a result of a service-related illness or injury; and waivers that allow nonresidents to pay the resident rate.

For additional information regarding the Satisfactory Academic Progress standard, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 806-371-5000, financial@actx.edu or visit the website at www.actx.edu/fin.


Veterans Affairs

Amarillo College is approved by the Texas Education Agency to offer instruction to students attending college under the various laws commonly referred to as Montgomery GI Bill and the Post 9/11 Bill.  Eligible students should contact the Veterans Certification Clerk, in the Registrar’s Office, prior to registration to obtain needed information relative to their benefits, enrollment and certification of attendance.

Those depending solely on VA benefits should have all paperwork completed with the AC Veterans Affairs Office and a request for advance payment submitted at least 30 days before the start of the term.  Any tuition and fees not paid by the veteran’s benefits are the responsibility of the student.

Students must advise the AC Veterans Certification Clerk each semester of hours in which they are enrolled and should contact the clerk when making course changes, a change of major, or when withdrawing from college.  Academic suspension (unsatisfactory progress) as described under Academic Policies and Information in this catalog may result in the suspension of benefits.

Veterans Rehabilitation:  Application for this assistance should be made to the Department of Veteran Affairs by submitting a Veterans Online Application (VONAPP) at www.gibill.va.gov .

Rehabilitation Assistance

The Department of Assistive and Rehabilitation Services is designated as the state’s principal authority for vocational rehabilitation of Texans with disabilities. The division’s main purpose is to assist people with disabilities in preparing for, finding, and keeping jobs. They offer assistance for tuition and required fees to students who have certain physical and/or mental disabilities. Applications should be made in person to DARS, Division for Rehabilitation Services, 5809 S. Western, #255, Amarillo, Texas, 79110. For more information please call (806) 351-3830 or visit www.dars.state.tx.us.

How to Apply for Financial Aid


Students who wish to apply for financial aid should submit the following:

  • The Free Application for Federal Student Aid to the U.S. Department of Education at www.fafsa.ed.gov.  This application will allow all eligible students to receive federal grants, direct loans and certain types of state aid.

The Financial Aid Office at Amarillo College will receive and review each student’s application to determine whether any additional documentation is needed.  Students should check their Amarillo College student issued email address for communication from the Financial Aid office or call 806-371-5100.

Awarding Process


Amarillo College preference dates for filing for financial aid are as follows:

Fall Semester: April 30th

Spring Semester:  October 1st

Summer Semester:   May 1st

These dates are not deadlines, but simply a commitment from the Financial Aid Office that, if all documentation to complete a student’s file is received by the above date, the student’s file will be awarded prior to the start of the semester.

Awards will be made in date order in which files are completed.  Files are considered complete after all required documentation has been received by the Financial Aid Office.  Students whose files are complete will be awarded any eligible Pell Grant, state aid, and scholarship aid.  Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) funds will be awarded only to Pell Grant recipients with the most need.  A student’s need is determined by subtracting the student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC) from the student’s Cost of Attendance.  Students may not receive financial aid assistance in excess of their need.

Notification of the total amount of aid awarded, as well as the amount of aid awarded through each program, will be sent to eligible students via Amarillo College student assigned email.  This email notification will also include instructions on how students can access their award letter.

Release (Disbursement) of Funds

Financial Aid funds will be released according to Federal guidelines and the Financial Aid Disbursement schedule, available on the Financial Aid website at www.actx.edu/fin.  Students with incomplete applications should make arrangements to pay their initial expenses (e.g. tuition and books) from their own resources. 

Students whose files are complete will be able to use available financial aid funds to cover their tuition and fees as well as to charge books at the campus bookstore.

Students who have financial aid funds remaining after tuition and fees are paid will receive their credit balances as follows:

  •  Direct deposit to a student’s checking or savings account
  •  A check payable to the student

All checks payable to the student will be mailed.  Any balance owed to Amarillo College under $200 will be reduced from a student’s credit balance before this credit balance is issued to the student.

Remaining Eligible for Aid


Initial Eligibility

In order to begin receiving financial aid at Amarillo College, a student must: 

  • Have graduated from high school, earned a GED, or met the home school requirements
  • Declare a major in a degree or academic program consisting of more than 16 semester hours
  • The number of hours attempted cannot exceed 150 percent of the published length of the student’s major

Satisfactory Academic Progress

Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is a standard for measuring whether a student is maintaining the grades and progression in order to be successful in his or her program of study.  Students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress standards to remain eligible for financial aid funds.  These standards are as follows:

  • Maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher
  • Maintain at least a 67% completion rate (pace)
  • Not have attempted 150% or more of the total number of hours required to complete the program

Students who do not meet any or all of the criteria listed above may become ineligible for financial aid funds.  Students who do not meet the 2.0 GPA requirement or 67% pace of completion for the first semester will be placed on Financial Aid Warning.  Students in a Financial Aid Warning status can continue to receive financial aid for one semester.  Students who fail to meet the GPA requirement and pace requirement for a second semester, or who cannot complete the program within a 150% of the program length, are placed on Financial Aid Suspension.  Students on Financial Aid Suspension are no longer eligible for aid.  Students who are placed on Financial Suspension may submit a Review Request to the Financial Aid Office in order to describe circumstances that may have contributed to the student not meeting SAP.

Regaining Eligibility

Students may regain eligibility for financial aid by meeting the above SAP standards.  Students who were previously placed on Financial Aid Warning or Financial Aid Suspension can be moved back to good standing by achieving a 2.0 cumulative Grade Point Average, meeting a 67% pace of completion, and being able to complete the program within 150% of the published program length or by submitting a review request which is approved by the review committee.

Repeated Courses

Any course in which an I, F, W, or AU is received does not count as a completed course.  Students may receive funding for repeated courses.  However, both the hours of the original and repeated course will be counted towards the hours attempted in the 150% and pace calculations for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Students who have received credit for a course, but enroll a second time to improve their grade can receive financial aid for one additional attempt.  Aid cannot be paid for a third attempt if credit was granted in the prior two attempts.

Remedial/Developmental Courses

Students required to enroll in remedial or developmental courses can receive financial aid as long as the total number of remedial/developmental hours attempted does not exceed 30 semester hours.


Return to Title IV (R2T4) for Withdrawn Students


Federal regulations require colleges to perform a Return to Title IV calculation for any student  who withdraws or stops attending all courses on or before the 60% point of the term or semester or who does not officially withdraw from the Institution at the mid-point of the semester and receives all F’s.  This Return to Title IV calculation requires a portion of the federal funds awarded to the student to be returned.  The return of these funds may result in the student owing a balance to Amarillo College and/or the U.S. Department of Education. It is the student’s responsibility to officially withdraw from all classes he/she does not attend.  A refund policy detailing the refunds to Title IV can be found at www.actx.edu/fin.

Cost of Attendance


A key element in determining financial need is determining the cost to attend a particular institution for a given period of time.  The Cost of Attendance is estimated to show how much it may cost you to attend AC for nine months (based on 15 hours).


Estimated Cost of Attendance
The estimated costs of attendance for a full-time student
for a nine-month academic year are as follows:
  In -District Out-of-District Out-of-State
  Home Not at Home Home Not at Home Home Not at Home
Tuition/fees 15hrs
$2,512 $3,802 $3,802 $5,722 $5,722
Books/supplies $1,654 $1,654 $1,654 $1,654 $1,654 $1,654
Room/Board $2,865 $6,439 $2,865 $6,439 $2,865 $6,439
Personal expenses $1,512 $1,512 $1,512 $1,512 $1,512 $1,512
Transportation $2,406 $2,406 $2,406 $2,406 $2,406 $2,406
TOTAL: $10,949 $14,523 $12,239 $15,813 $14,159 $17,733
Adjustment for childcare: 1 child + $3,735; 2 children = $6,900; 3 children = $9,416
Additional children, add $1,545 each child. No childcare for less than 1/2 time enrollment
These figures are estimates and may change without notice or obligation.

The following link will compare the estimated cost of attendance and potential financial aid for Texas educational institutions, including Amarillo College.

www.actx.edu/fin  (TX Aid for College Calculator)

  • This calculator is intended for incoming freshmen who plan to enroll as full-time students.
  • This calculator provides only a rough approximation of financial aid (and even then, only if accurate data is entered into the calculator).




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