Mar 28, 2025  
2016-2017 Academic Catalog 
2016-2017 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]


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Legislation requires students entering Texas public colleges and universities be assessed for reading, mathematics and writing skills before they enroll in any collegiate course work for credit, unless exempt.

Texas Success Initiative

The Texas Success Initiative (TSI) was established in 2003 by TEC code 51.307. TSI is designed to ensure that students have the academic skills necessary for effective performance in college-level course work. The assessment instrument used at Amarillo College for TSI purposes is the TSI Assessment. Results of these assessments are used by advisors to place students into appropriate coursework and to help students achieve academic success at Amarillo College. Assessments are administered by Testing Services located in Room 101 in the Student Service Center. Testing schedules may be obtained in Testing Services or by accessing the Testing Services web page at


Each student, unless otherwise exempt, who enters Amarillo College to complete a Level 2 certificate or an Associate degree must be assessed in reading, writing and mathematics skills prior to enrolling in any college-level coursework.

Students entering Level 1 certificate programs are exempt from testing for TSI purposes.  However, Amarillo College requires the TSI Assessment for advising and diagnostic purposes.

  1. High school students are subject to the following guidelines:
    1. A high school student who enrolls in dual credit courses or is concurrently enrolled in both high school and college courses must take a required assessment prior to enrolling in college-level coursework
    2. A high school student who fails to achieve the minimum passing standard may not take college level classes related to portions of the test that have not been passed. Additionally, the student may not be required to take developmental classes while in high school.
  2. Students who are blind must take a required assessment. Appropriate accommodations are available.
  3. Students who are deaf and have taken the Stanford Achievement Test may elect to use these scores or may take any approved test. Students who are blind and/or deaf should be encouraged to see the disAbility Services Coordinator for more information.
  4. TSI Assessment scores are valid for five years.


Students in any of the following categories or conditions are exempt from testing:

  1. Earned within the last five years a composite score of 23 or higher on the ACT test, with individual English and Math scores of at least 19.
  2. Earned within the last five years a composite score of 1070 or higher on the SAT test, with individual Verbal and Math scores of at least 500.
  3. Earned within the last five years the following minimum scores on the TAKS (exit-level) test: 2200 in math and/or 2200 in English/Language Arts (ELA) with a writing subscore of at least 3.
  • If a student meets all three areas, he/she is exempt from Texas Success Initiative (TSI) testing requirements.
  • If a student has the 2200 in math but not the language arts requirement, then he/she is TSI waived in math but must test in reading and writing.
  • If a student has the 2200 in Language Arts and the 3+ on the essay but has not met the 2200 in math, then he/she is college ready in reading and writing but must test for math.
  • Please refer to the Testing website,, for the most up to date information concerning STARR/EOC exam exemptions and the new TSI assessment.
  1. Possess an Associate or Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution of higher education.
  2. A student who transfers to Amarillo College from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or an accredited out-of-state institution of higher education and who has satisfactorily completed (C or higher) college-level coursework in math, English and/or reading.
  3. Enroll in a Level-One certificate program, a program of 42 or fewer semester credit hours.
  4. A student who is not seeking a degree or certificate.
  • must not be seeking a degree or certificate
  • must meet all Amarillo College admission requirements
  • On application must declare “Educational Goal” to be other than Associate Degree or Certificate of Completion
  • cannot receive federal financial aid
  • must meet all course and testing prerequisites
  1. A student who is serving on active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States, the Texas National Guard, or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States and has been serving for at least three years preceding enrollment.


    A student who, on or after August 1, 1990, was honorably discharged, retired, or released from active duty as a member of the armed forces of the United States or the Texas National Guard or service as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States.

    NOTE:  Students entering who meet this military standard are exempt from testing for TSI purposes.  However, Amarillo College requires the TSI Assessment for advising and diagnostic purposes.
  2. All exceptions and exemptions are subject to change due to legislative and/or THECB decisions.


TSI Assessment:

  • Math 350
  • Reading 351
  • Writing
    • Essay of 5 or higher
    • Or 363 and Essay of 4 and TSI Complete in Reading

New Student Orientation


New Student Orientation is a required orientation which prepares students for their first semester of college. By providing important information about policies, services, and activities, first-year students are more successful in identifying and avoiding potential obstacles in achieving their academic goals.  Students are required to attend New Student Orientation prior to the beginning of their first semester or they will not be permitted to re-enroll until the requirement is fulfilled. 

Several options are available:

Badger Boot Camp is a day-long summer orientation designed for recent high school graduates. Badger Boot Camp includes icebreakers, campus tour, faculty panel, and special sessions on student success and advising. Participants receive a t-shirt, lunch, and AC planner.

General Sessions are 3-hour sessions held prior to the start of each term. General Sessions include important information on key resources and strategies for success, plus a campus tour. While the majority of General Sessions are open to all, some may be tailored to specific student populations, such as disAbility Services.

Online Orientation is available for distance education students.

Custom New Student Orientation Sessions are available for students who are attending classes at the Moore County Campus  (806) 934-7200, Hereford Hinkson Memorial Campus (806) 379-2700), or who are receiving services from the disAbility Services Office (806) 371-5436.

Transfer students with 12 or more transferable hours do not need to take New Student Orientation. Official transcripts from previously attended institution must be on file with the AC Registrar’s Office for exemption to be verified. Please call (806) 371-5440 to verify transfer exemption.

For more information about New Student Orientation and instructions on how to register for sessions, visit, or call the Student Life Office at 371-5322. 

Admission Requirements


All Students

For admission to all programs, applicants must take the following steps:

First Time College Students

  • Graduates of accredited high schools must submit to the Registrar’s Office an official high school transcript to verify graduation.
  • General Educational Development Certificate holders must submit an Official Report of Test Results or a copy of the GED Certificate to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Persons who have not graduated from an accredited high school or earned a GED, who are 18 years of age or older, will be admitted unconditionally. Testing will be required and developmental coursework will be compulsory if test scores indicate the need for remediation.
  • Persons age 16 or 17 who are no longer attending a high school program, and who have not earned a GED, may be admitted with approval of the Vice President of Student Affairs. These students will be admitted on probation and advised by the Advising Center staff. Testing will be required as a part of the admission decision. Developmental coursework will be required if test scores indicate the need for remediation. Students who were schooled in a nontraditional setting must provide notarized documentation of course completion.

Concurrent High School Students

  • High school juniors and seniors seeking early admission must submit written approval from their high school principal or counselor. Concurrent students will be limited to enrollment in no more than two courses per semester. Applicants must provide test scores that demonstrate college-level readiness.
  • High school students in a nonaccredited or nontraditional setting must be at least age 16 and provide a transcript or notarized statement of courses completed showing at least junior standing. Testing is required to demonstrate college-level reading ability and meet course prerequisites. Students will be advised by Advising Center staff.

Amarillo College reserves the right to waive the age policy for students who are enrolled in Dual Credit and other early-college high school programs.

Transfer Students

  • Certificate and degree seeking students must submit official copies of transcripts from all previous colleges and universities to the Registrar’s Office.
  • Transfer students who are not enrolling to complete a degree or certificate need only submit an official transcript from the last school attended.
  • Transfer students who are not on academic suspension at the last institution attended will be admitted unconditionally.
  • Transcripts become the property of the College and will not be returned to the student or forwarded to another school. If a transcript is received which shows academic suspension from the last school attended after the student has completed enrollment at Amarillo College, the student will be subject to administrative withdrawal with forfeiture of tuition and fees.

College Graduates


Students who have graduated from other institutions and wish to enroll for personal development are not required to submit college transcripts. However, they must complete the Amarillo College Application for Admission and meet all course prerequisites prior to enrollment in individual classes.

International Student and International Transfer Student Admissions

Amarillo College does not issue the I-20 document for F-1 student study. International students who are interested in pursuing higher education in the vicinity of Amarillo, Texas are invited to consider the following institutions:

Clarendon College :
Frank Phillips College:
West Texas A&M University:

Specific Admission Procedures


In addition to the general Amarillo College admission requirements, students must meet additional admission criteria as outlined in the following information:

  • Students seeking admission to the following programs must meet additional admission requirements as stated in the individual program guidelines. These programs are: Associate Degree Nursing, Dentist Aide, Dental Hygiene, Fire Protection Technology, Law Enforcement Academy, Medical Data Specialist, Medical Laboratory Technology, Medical Sonography, Mortuary Science, Nuclear Medicine, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Paramedicine Technology, Pharmacy Technology, Physical Therapist Assistant, Radiation Therapy, Radiography, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology, and Vocational Nursing.
  • All students majoring in the health-care fields must provide documented proof that they have been immunized prior to program admission. Students in Health Science programs should consult their program advisors regarding mandatory immunization requirements.

Acceptance of Transfer Course Work

  • Standard academic credits are accepted from colleges and universities accredited by one of the regional accrediting associations. Amarillo College also accepts credits from colleges and universities that are accredited by the Association for Biblical Higher Education. Courses in which a grade of “D” was earned will not be accepted as transfer credits at Amarillo College unless the overall GPA from the institution which issued those grades is 2.0 or higher.
  • Transferability disputes between state-supported institutions within Texas will be handled in accordance with the guidelines published by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Issues which cannot be resolved between institutions will be reported to the Commissioner of the Coordinating Board for resolution.

Auditing a Course


Students seeking to audit courses must apply and meet all admission requirements. The student must have permission of the instructor or the department chair in order to audit a class. Having received this permission, they may register on an audit basis only if space is available. No college credit is awarded for courses that are audited and a grade of “AU” (audit) will be assigned. The cost of auditing courses is the same as registration for credit. Auditors are entitled to attend class and may participate in class discussions and other class activities at the discretion of the instructor. Laboratory courses, skill and individual instruction courses, and clinical courses are not suitable for audit. Approval for audit is valid only for the class and semester specified and is not transferable. Students who elect to enroll on an audit basis may not subsequently change to a credit status.

Changing Course Status


Adding a Course

Students may add a course to their current enrollment logging into ACConnect Self Service.  It is recommended that students consult with their academic advisor and the financial aid office (if the student is receiving financial aid) prior to adding a course.  Payment deadlines are enforced when courses are added to the student’s schedule; this includes payment plan contracts.

Withdrawing from a Course or College

Students who wish to withdraw from a class must have permission from their instructor.  Students must either email or meet with their instructor to begin the withdrawal process.  The instructor will then submit a withdrawal case for the student in the Retention Alert system in ACConnect.

Students will be notified within 5-7 working days of the date of their withdrawal request with the instructor.  The Registrar’s Office will process the withdrawal and notify both the student and instructor via their AC email to complete the process and drop the course(s).

The Texas Education Code stipulates that students attending Texas institutions of higher education for the first time in fall 2007 and later may not withdraw from more than six courses during their academic career, including courses from which transfer students have withdrawn at other Texas institutions of higher education. There are certain exceptions to this policy and petitions for exceptions should be directed to the Registrar.  For more information, see Withdrawal Limitations at


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