Jul 27, 2024  
2008-2009 Academic Catalog 
2008-2009 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Tuition and Fees

Click on any of the following links for information:



For tuition purposes, students enrolling in Amarillo College will be classified as follows: (1) resident students, (2) nonresidents of Amarillo Junior College District [students who live in Texas but not in the Amarillo Junior College district; a Texas resident must reside within the Amarillo Junior College District for a period of six months to be classified as a resident student], (3) nonresidents of Texas and (4) foreign students. Exceptions are listed later in this section.

General Rules


Minors - individuals 17 years of age or younger - and Dependents

Statute: Section 54.052(a)(3) “Dependent” means an individual who is claimed as a dependent for federal income tax purposes by the individual’s parent or guardian at the time of registration and for the tax year preceding the year in which the individual registers.

Section 54.052(c) An individual who is 17 years of age or under, or is a dependent and who is living away from his or her family, and whose family resides in another state or has not resided in Texas for the 12- month period immediately preceding the date of registration, shall be classified as a nonresident student.

Section 54.052(d) An individual who is 18 years of age or under or is a dependent and whose family has not resided in Texas for the 12-month period immediately preceding the date of registration shall be classified as a nonresident student, regardless of whether he or she has become the legal ward of residents of Texas or has been adopted by residents of Texas while he or she is attending an educational institution in Texas, or within a 12-month period before his or her attendance, or under circumstances indicating that the guardianship or adoption was for the purpose of obtaining status as a resident student.

Section 54.055 An individual who is 17 years of age or under or is a dependent and whose parents were formerly residents of Texas is entitled to pay the resident tuition fee following the parents’ change of legal residence to another state, as long as the individual remains continuously enrolled in a regular session in a state-supported institution of higher education.

Individuals over 18

Statute: Section 54.052(e) An individual who is 18 years of age or over who has come from outside Texas and who is gainfully employed in Texas for a 12-month period immediately preceding registration in an educational institution shall be classified as a resident student as long as he or she continues to maintain a legal residence in Texas.

Section 54.052(f) An individual who is 18 years of age or over who resides out of the state or who has come from outside Texas and who registers in an educational institution before having resided in Texas for a 12-month period shall be classified as a nonresident student.

Section 54.054 A nonresident student classification is presumed to be correct as long as the residence of the individual in the state is primarily for the purpose of attending an educational institution. After residing in Texas for at least 12 months with sufficient documentation of intent to establishment of a domicile in Texas, a nonresident student may be reclassified as a resident student as provided in the rules and regulations adopted by the Higher Education Coordinating Board. Any individual reclassified as a resident student is entitled to pay the tuition fee for a resident of Texas at any subsequent registration as long as he or she continues to maintain his or her legal residence in Texas.

Married Students

Statute: Section 54.056 A student who is a resident of Texas who marries a nonresident is entitled to pay the resident tuition fee as long as the student does not adopt the legal residence of the spouse in another state.

Foreign Students

Statute: Section 54.057 An alien who is living in this country under a visa permitting permanent residence or who has filed with the proper Federal immigration authorities a declaration of intention to become a citizen has the same privilege of qualifying for resident status for fee purposes under this Act as has a citizen of the United States.

Aliens living in the United States under a visa permitting permanent residence and those permitted by Congress to adopt the United States as their domicile while they are in this country have the same privilege of qualifying for Texas resident status for tuition purposes as do citizens of the United States.

(Note: Only a permanent resident may file with the Federal immigration authorities a declaration of intention to become a citizen.)

Generally, individuals who obtain permanent resident status while in Texas must wait a minimum of 12 months from the date of issue to request resident status for tuition purposes. At that time, they must provide conclusive evidence to indicate that they are in this state to live and reside permanently.

Tuition for students who are citizens of any country other than the United States of America is the same as the tuition required of other nonresident students, unless eligible under SB1528.



Military Personnel and Veterans

Statute: Section 54.058 Military personnel are classified as provided by this section in the following manner. A person who is an officer, enlisted person, selectee or draftee of the Army, Army Reserve, Army National Guard, Air National Guard, Air Force, Air Force Reserve, Navy, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard, or Coast Guard Reserve of the United States, who is assigned to duty in Texas and the spouse and children of such an officer, enlisted person, selectee or draftee are entitled to register in a state institution of higher education by paying the tuition fee and other fees or charges required of Texas residents, without regard to the length of time the officer, enlisted person, selectee, or draftee has been assigned to duty or resided in the state. It is the intent of the legislature that only those members of the Army or Air National Guard, or other reserve forces mentioned above be exempted from the nonresident tuition fee and other fees and charges only when they become members of the Texas units of the military organizations mentioned above.

Junior College Tuition Waivers for Ad Va lorem Tax Payers

Statute: Section 130.003(b)(4)…the governing board of a public junior college district may waive the difference in the rate of tuition for nonresident and resident students for a person, and his or her dependents, who owns property which is subject to ad valorem taxation by the junior college district.

Texas residents (or their dependents) who move into the Amarillo Junior College District and who own property which is subject to ad valorem taxation by Amarillo Junior College District shall be eligible to enroll at Amarillo College at the tuition rate for resident students.

Those students who think they qualify under the above listed exception, and who can provide conclusive evidence supporting the exception, should contact the Assistance Center in person.

Waiver of Non-Resident Tuition

Students from counties of New Mexico that are adjacent to Texas are eligible to enroll at Amarillo College and pay the non-resident tuition rate. If a dependent student’s family or an independent student from a bordering state moves to Texas after the student has received a waiver of nonresident tuition, the student is eligible for a continued waiver for the 12-month period after the relocation to Texas. After that time, however, the student shall be reclassified as a nonresident unless he or she applies for reclassification and proves he or she has become a resident.

Those students who think they qualify under the above listed exception, and who can provide conclusive evidence supporting the exception, should contact the Assistance Center in person.



Statute: Section 54.0521 Oath of Residency. Before an individual may register at an institution of higher education paying tuition at the rate provided for residents, the individual must affirm under oath, to the appropriate official at the institution, that the individual is entitled to be classified as a resident for purposes of tuition.

Changes of residency status-it is the student’s responsibility to notify the institution of any change in circumstances that would result in a change of residency status. This must be done in person, in writing, at any College Service Center. Mailing address changes do not constitute a change of address for residency purposes.

If the institution later determines that the individual was not entitled to be classified as a resident at the time of the individual’s registration, the individual shall, not later than 30 days after the date the individual is notified of the determination, pay to the institution the amount the individual should have paid as a nonresident.

If the individual fails to make a timely payment as required by this section, the individual is not entitled to receive a transcript or to receive credit for courses taken during the time the individual was falsely registered as a resident student. Substantiating documentation will be required by Amarillo College to affirm Texas residency.

Payment Information


Students will not be admitted to classes or labs until they have paid their tuition and fees in full. Payment may be made in cash, by check, by money order, or by credit card (VISA, Mastercard, American Express, Discover). Students paying by check are warned to exercise due care, however, as all checks are accepted subject to final payment by the bank. A check returned by the bank because of a stop payment order or insufficient funds does not cancel a student’s registration. If a check given for tuition and fees at registration time is returned by the bank, the student will be charged a service fee.

Payment Locations

Payments are accepted at the following locations or by WebAdvisor:

Student Assistance Centers at:

East Campus

Location:   Student Service Center
Hours:   9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday)
    8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Friday)
    Closed: 12 noon-1:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)

Moore County Campus

Hours:   7:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
    7:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m. (Friday)

Hereford Campus

Hours:   8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
    8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Friday)

Washington Street Campus

Location:   Student Service Center
Hours:   7:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. (Monday-Thursday)
    7:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Friday)

West Campus

Location:   Lecture Hall
Hours:   9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. (Monday-Friday)
    8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. (Friday)

For other Business Office questions, call (806) 371-5001.

Student Alternative Payment Plan

The Payment Plan allows students who are enrolled in full semester-length courses to pay for tuition and fees in installments. The first installment is one-half of the tuition and fees total, plus an administration fee (nonrefundable) due at registration; the second installment of one-fourth of the total is due before the sixth class week; and the final installment of one-fourth is due before the eleventh class week. Students who elect to use the Plan must complete and sign a promissory note (plan agreement). Students wishing to sign up for the Payment Plan must be 18 years of age.

Failure to make timely payments by the due dates will result in the assessment of a delinquent fee. A student who fails to make payment in full, including incidental fees, by the due dates may be prohibited from registering for classes until full payment is made. A student who fails to make payment prior to the end of the semester may be denied credit for the work completed that semester. Refunds due as a result of withdrawal or schedule changes will be applied to the outstanding balance due of the note. Fifty percent payment of tuition and fees must be maintained for any scheduled changes. The Plan is not available for mini-term sessions.

Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver Policy

A Senior Citizen is defined as “any person 65 years of age or older.” Tuition will be waived on eligible courses on a SPACE AVAILABLE basis; however, the class must reach its minimum paying enrollment, but not its maximum, for the policy to apply. Proof of age and photo identification are required, and the student must pay all course/lab fees.

Continuing Education Courses: A Senior Citizen must complete the “Continuing Education Registration Form.” Continuing education courses that do not meet the criteria for State funding must be self-supporting and are not eligible for the Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver. Ineligible courses include all Leisure Studies courses and most occupational continuing education courses that are less than seven clock hours in length.

Academic Courses: Senior Citizens who are NOT seeking degree credit may enroll in semester credit hour courses on a space available basis after regular registration is complete. The Senior Citizen must complete the “Senior Citizen Tuition Waiver” and may only enroll in academic courses that are eligible for audit. Prior to enrollment, written permission is required from the instructor and the department chair. The tuition waiver is limited to six semester hours.

Tuition and Basic Fees



Resident of State of Texas    
Tuition per semester hour   $34.00
Minimum tuition for one hour   $51.00
Minimum tuition for two hours   $85.00
Non-Resident of State/Country    
Tuition per semester hour   $70.00
Minimum tuition up to 3 hours   $201.50

Basic Fees

All Students   $24.75 per semester hour
which includes the following:
  Student Activity Fee   $1.75 per sem. hr.
  General Fee   $15.00 per sem. hr.
  Technology Fee   $8.00 per sem. hr.
Out/District or State
(if applicable)   $17.00 per sem. hr.

Tuition and Basic Fee Schedule

Semester Hour   Resident of District   Non-Resident of District   Non-Resident of State or Foreign
1   $75.75   $92.75   $ 243.25
2   134.50   168.50   285.00
3   176.25   227.25   326.75
4   235.00   303.00   447.00
5   293.75   378.75   558.75
6   352.50   454.50   670.50
7   411.25   530.25   782.25
8   470.00   606.00   894.00
9   528.75   681.75   1,005.75
10   587.50   757.50   1,117.50
11   646.25   833.25   1,229.25
12   705.00   909.00   1,341.00
13   763.75   984.75   1,452.75
14   822.50   1,060.50   1,564.50
15   881.25   1,136.25   1,676.25
16   940.00   1,212.00   1,788.00
17   998.75   1,287.75   1,899.75
18   1,057.50   1,363.50   2,011.50

*Tuition and fees are subject to change by action of the Amarillo College Board of Regents.

Laboratory Fees

Accounting $20.00
  ACNT 1311  
Architecture $16.00
  ARCH 2201 - 2202  
Art Graphic Design $24.00
  ARTC 1302 - 1313 - 1325 - 1327 - 1353 - 2313 - 2317 - 2335  
  ARTV 1303 - 1341 - 1345 - 1211 - 2351  
  IMED 1316 - 1345 - 2315 - 2345  
Art $24.00
  ARTS 1311 - 1312 - 2326 - 2327 - 2346 - 2347 - 2356 - 2357  
  ARTS 2313 - 2314 $16.00
Astronomy $18.00
  PHYS 1111 - 1112  
Auto Collision Technology $24.00
  ABDR 1327 - 1349 - 1431 - 1441 - 1442 - 1455 - 2402 - 2441 - 2449 - 2453  
Automotive Technology $24.00
  ABDR 1327  
  AUMT 1307 - 1310 - 1316 - 1319 - 1345 - 1357 - 2305 - 2309 - 2311 - 2313 - 2315 - 2317 - 2323 - 2325 - 2334  
  DEMR 1301  
Aviation Maintenance $18.00
  AERM 1240 - 1241 - 1243 - 1247 - 1253 - 1254 1314 -1315 - 1344 - 1345 - 1349 - 1350 - 1351 - 1372 - 1373 - 1456 - 2231 - 2233 - 2341 - 2351 - 2352 - 2447  
  AERM 1303 - 1391 $24.00
  AVNC 1343 $24.00
  DFTG 2442 $24.00
Basic Academic Skills $20.00
  BAS (R,M,W) 0101 - 0103 - 0202 - 0203 - 0302 - 0303  
Biology $18.00
  BIOL 1108 - 1109 - 1406 - 1407 - 1411 - 1413 - 2106 - 2374 - 2401 - 2402 - 2404 - 2421 - 2428 - 2471 - 2472  
Business Administration $20.00
  BUSI 2471  
Chemistry $18.00
  CHEM 1105 - 1111 - 1112 - 1375 - 1405 - 1406 - 1419 - 2223 - 2225  
Computer Information Systems $20.00
  BCIS 1305 - 1401 - 2431  
  COSC 1300 - 1317 - 1415 - 1430 - 1436 - 1437 - 2425 - 2430 - 2436  
  CPMT 1305 - 1309  
  INEW 2434  
  ITNW 1280  
  ITSC 1402 - 1407 - 1411 - 2437  
  ITSE 1311 - 1414 - 1418 - 2347 - 2402 - 2409 - 2417 - 2459  
Criminal Justice  
(Law Enforcement Academy) $24.00
  CJLE 1429 - 1506 - 1512 - 1518 - 1524  
  CJCR 1391 - 1491  
Dentist Aide $24.00
  DNTA 1241 - 1249 - 1415  
Dental Hygiene $24.00
  DHYG 1260 - 1261 - 1304 - 1319 - 2261 - 2360  
Diesel Mechanics Technology $24.00
  AUMT 1307  
  DEMR 1229 - 1242 - 1301 - 1317 - 1323 - 1329 - 1406 - 1421 - 1442 - 1449 - 2331 - 2334 - 2432  
  ELMT 1305  
Drafting $10.00
  DFTG 1305 - 1309 - 1317 - 1325 - 133 - 2319 - 2328 - 1358 - 1370 - 1372 - 1376 - 1391 - 2310 - 2321 - 2323 - 2332 - 2336 - 2340  
Electronics Engineering Technology $6.00
  CETT 2439  
  SMFT 1343 - 2335 - 2343  
Electronics Systems Technology $24.00
  CETT 1329 -1341 - 1345 - 1403 - 1405 - 1425 - 2335 - 2449  
  CPMT 1343 - 1347 - 1349 - 2349  
  LOTT 1301  
  ITCC 1302 - 1306 - 1342 - 1346  
  ITNW 2305 - 2309 - 2351  
  ITSY 2300 - 2301 - 2341  
Emergency Medical Services Professions $12.00
  EMSP 1147 - 1438 - 1455 - 1456 - 1501 - 2135 - 2430 - 2434 - 2444  
Engineering $16.00
  ENGR 1304 - 1307 - 1371 - 2405  
  COSC 1317 - 1436 - 1437 - 2436 $20.00
English $15.00
  ENGL 0301 - 0302 - 1301 - 1302 - 2311  
English As A Second Language $10.00
  ESL 0311 - 0321 - 0331 - 0341  
Fire Protection Technology $24.00
  FIRS 1100 - 1141 - 1301 - 1319 - 1323 - 1329 - 1343 - 1407 - 1413 - 1433  
  FIRT 2474  
Forensic Science $18.00
  FORS 2440 - 2450  
French $10.00
  FREN 1411 - 1412 - 2311 - 2312  
Geology $18.00
  GEOL 1103 - 1104 - 1447 - 1473  
German $10.00
  GERM 1411 - 1412 - 2311 - 2312  
Hazardous Materials Technology $6.00
  EPCT 1343  
Health Physics Technology $6.00
  OSHT 2372 - 2373 - 2374  
Home Economics $20.00
  HECO 1320 - 1325  
Industrial Hygiene Technology $6.00
  EPCT 1341 - 2331  
Industrial Maintenance Technology $24.00
  ELMT 1301 - 1305 - 1391 - 2337 - 2341  
  ELPT 1311  
  HART 1307 - 1345 - 2336 - 2342 - 2345  
  IEIR 1306 - 1310 - 1312 - 1343  
  INMT 2301 - 2303 - 2345  
  SEST 1341  
Interior Design $6.00
  INDS 1301 - 1315 - 1319 - 1341 - 1345 - 1391 - 2237 - 2305 - 2307 - 2313 - 2315 - 2317 - 2321 - 2325 - 2330 - 2431 - 2435  
Instrument & Control Technology $20.00
  INTC 1301 - 1315 -1348 - 1355 - 1356 - 1358 - 2336 - 2339  
  ENTC 1301 - 2301  
  RBTC 1345 - 2339 - 2345 - 2447 $24.00
  INTC 1350  
Journalism $24.00
  COMM 2305 - 2311 - 2315 - 2371  
Mass Communication $24.00
  COMM 1318 - 2339 - 2220 - 2324 - 2332  
Mathematics $6.00
  MATH 0301 - 0303 - 2305 - 2318 - 2320 - 2413 - 2414 - 2415  
  MATH 0302 $7.00
  MATH 1342 $24.00
Medical Data Specialist $24.00
  MRMT 1307 - 233  
Medical Laboratory Technology $24.00
  MLAB 1211 - 1227 - 1235 - 1331 - 1415 - 2271 - 2431 - 2501 - 2534  
  PLAB 1223  
Mortuary Science $10.00
  MRTS 2432 - 2445 - 2447  
Music $24.00
  MUSI 1011 - 1012 - 1290 - 1291 - 2011 - 2012  
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation $24.00
  NDTE 1272 - 1273 - 1274 - 1371 - 1372 - 1373 - 2371 - 2372 - 2373  
Nuclear Medicine $24.00
  NMTT 1309 - 1313  
Nursing (Associate Degree) $12.00
  RNSG 1105 -1108 - 1110 - 1115 - 1209 - 1247 - 1248 - 1251 - 1301 - 1331 - 2201 - 2213 - 2221 - 2231 - 2307  
  HPRS 2200  
Nursing (Vocational) $12.00
  VNSG 1227 - 1230 - 1231 - 1234 - 1304 - 1400 - 1409 - 1410 - 1423  
Occupational Therapy Assistant $24.00
  OTHA 1319 - 1415 - 2331 - 2402  
Office Administration $12.00
  ACNT 1303  
  ITSC 1309 - 2322  
  ITSW 1304  
  POFI 1204 - 2301 - 2331 - 2340  
  POFT 1127 - 1309 - 1329 - 1345 - 2203 - 2301 - 2312 - 233 - 2343  
Paralegal Studies $20.00
  LGLA 1301 - 1345 - 1353 - 2335  
Pharmacy Technology $6.00
  PHRA 1306 - 1345  
Photography $24.00
  PHTC 1300 - 1313 - 1341 - 1343 - 1345 - 1347 - 1353 - 1391 - 2341 - 2342 - 2343 - 2345 - 2349 - 2353  
  ARTS 2356 - 2357  
Physical Therapist Assistant $24.00
  PTHA 1405 - 1413 - 1431 - 2301 - 2435 - 2409  
Physics $18.00
  PHYS 1101 - 1102 - 1105 - 1375 - 1415 - 2373 - 2425 - 2426  
  PHYS (Astronomy) 1111 - 1112  
Psychology $14.00
  PSYC 1171  
Radio-Television Production $24.00
  COMM 1336 - 1337 - 2303 - 2339  
  RTVB 1150 - 1447 - 2250 - 2337  
  ARTV 1351 - 2341  
Radiography $24.00
  RADR 1311 - 1313 - 2305 - 2233 - 2301  
Radiation Therapy $20.00
  RADT 1205 - 1246 - 1401 - 2271  
Reading $20.00
  RDNG 0301 - 0321  
  RDNG 0331 $24.00
Real Estate $18.00
  RELE 1223  
Respiratory Care $24.00
  RSPT 1101 - 1410 - 1411 - 2131 - 2305 - 2314  
Safety and Environmental Technology $6.00
  EPCT 1305 - 1313 - 1340 - 1341 - 1343 - 1344 - 1401 - 2331 - 233  
  OSHT 2374  
Spanish $10.00
  SPAN 1311 - 1312 - 1411 - 1412 - 2311 - 2312  
Surgical Technology $20.00
  SRGT 1405 - 1409 - 1441 - 1442  
Telecommunications $24.00
  EECT 2433 - 2435 - 2439  
  CSIR 1355  
Welding Technology $24.00
  DFTG 1325  
  WLDG 1327 - 1337 - 1407 - 1417 - 1428 - 1457 - 1491 - 2406 - 2439 - 2447 - 2451  
Allied Health Malpractic e/Clinical and Accident Insurance  
  Allied Health Malpractice and Clinical Accident Insurance fees are nonrefundable except in cases of college error or total withdrawal prior to the first day of class/clinical.  
Child Development/Early Childhood $24.00
  CDEC 1264 - 2264 - 2265  
Dentist Aide $12.00
  DNTA 1266  
Dental Hygiene $12.00
  DHYG 1260 - 1261 - 2261 - 2360  
Electronics Technology $24.00
  BIOM 2335 - 2339  
  Note: Per Student Basis  
Emergency Medical Services Professions  
  EMSP 1163 $35.00
  EMSP 2266 - 2267 $70.00
Medical Data Specialist $24.00
  MDCA 1264  
Medical Laboratory Technology  
  MLAB 2266 - 2267 $12.00
  PLAB 1163 $24.00
Mortuary Science  
  MRTS 1310 $24.00
  MRTS 1360-2360 $12.00
Nursing (Associate Degree) $4.00
  RNSG 1105 - 1115 - 1260 - 1262 - 1263 - 1301 - 1362 - 1409 - 2161 - 2163 - 2260 - 2261 - 2262 - 2263  
Nursing (Vocational) $4.00
  VNSG 1231 - 1260 - 1361 - 1409 - 1423 - 2160 - 2161 - 2163  
Occupational Therapy Assistant  
  OTHA 1160 - 1161 - 1162 $8.00
  OTHA 2266 - 2267 $12.00
Pharmacy Technology $24.00
  PHRA 1166  
Physical Therapist Assistant $12.00
  PTHA 1160 - 1267 - 2160 - 2367  
Radiologic Technology  
  (Nuclear Medicine) $8.00
  NMTT 1266 - 1267 - 2266 - 2267 - 2366 - 2367  
  (Radiography) $8.00
  RADR 1166 - 1167 - 1267 - 2266 - 2366 - 2367  
  (Radiation Therapy)  
  RADT 1266 - 1267 - 2266 $55.00
  RADT 2366 - 2367 $82.50
Respiratory Care  
  RSPT 2166 - 2266 - 2267 $8.00
  RSPT 1167 - 1266 $12.00
Substance Abuse Counseling  
  DAAC 2266-2267 $19.50
Surgical Technology $8.00
  SRGT 1261 - 2360 - 2461  

General Fees - Other

I.D. Badges $ 2.00
Posting Fee -  
  Credit for Licensure (per course) $5.00
Credit by Examination (per course) $ 15.00
Graduation - Special Order Diploma $ 15.00
Distance Learning Fee (if applicable) $ 25.00
Basic Academic Skills  
  BASM 0202 - 0302 (on-line sections for software & text books $ 75.00
Fire Protection Technology (Fuel, Supplies, Equipment)
  FIRS 1433 - 1343  
  FIRT 2474 $100.00
Mortuary Science  
  MRTS 2179 $350.00
  National Board Exam Fee  
Music (Private Lessons)  
  MUAP 11XX - 21XX $80.00
  (Elective/Minor Concentration 1/2 Hour Lessons)  
  MUAP 12XX-22XX $160.00
  (Elective/Major Concentration 1 Hour Lessons)  
Nursing - (Associate Degree) $ 90.00
  Students enrolled in a nursing course(s) in the Associate Degree Nursing program will be charged a non-refundable fee of $90.00 per fall and spring semester and $36.00 per summer semester for access to the on-line MEDS Learning System.  
Nursing - (Vocational)  
Level I $145.00
  Students enrolled in a nursing course(s) in the Level I Vocational Nursing program will be charged a non-refundable fee of $145 for access to the online ATI learning system and ATI review modules.  
Level II $120.00
  Students enrolled in a nursing course(s) in the Level II Vocational Nursing program will be charged a non-refundable fee of $120 for access to the online ATI learning system and ATI review modules.  
Paralegal Studies $40.00
  (Paralegal Studies majors enrolled in one or more of the following LGLA courses during the academic school year are required to pay a $40 annual fee for online legal research access: LGLA 1301 - 1307 - 1309 - 1343 - 1345 - 1351 - 1353 - 1355 - 2266 - 2303 - 2305 - 2313 - 2335)  
Physical Education  
  PHED classes held at Carter Fitness Center and Russell Hall $15.00
  PHED classes held at Downtown Athletic Club and Gold’s Gym $90.00
  PHED 1111 - 1112 - 2111 - 2112 (Swimming) $90.00
  PHED 1116 - 2116 (Bowling) $37.50
  PHED 1117 - 2117 - 2127 (Golf) $50.00
  PHED 1101 held at YMCA in Dumas $30.00
Real Estate $62.00
  RELE 1201-1207-1211-1219-1238-2201  
Travel and Tourism $45.00
  TRVM 1406 - 2435  

Refund Policy

If a class does not materialize and is cancelled by the college, 100 percent of all tuition and fees charged will be refunded. Students who officially withdraw from Amarillo College prior to the sixth day of class for full-length courses or prior to the third class day for Summer will be refunded 100 percent of their mandatory tuition and fees. If a transcript received by Amarillo College after a student has completed enrollment attended, the student is subject to being withdrawn with forfeiture of all tuition and fees. Likewise, any student who provides false information about TSI testing or scores will be subject to being withdrawn with forfeiture of tuition and fees. Tuition and fees may be changed at any time by action of the state legislature or by action of the Board of Regents of the Amarillo Junior College District.

Students who believe that unusual, individual circumstances deserve special consideration regarding charges and refunds may appeal in writing to the Business Office Manager in the Business Office, Student Service Center, second floor.

Students who officially withdraw or reduce their course enrollment on or after the sixth day of classes for full-length courses or after the third class day for Summer will have their tuition and mandatory fees refunded according to the following schedule:

Fall and Spring Semesters (16 week courses)
  During first 5 class days   100 percent
  During 6th through 15th class days   70 percent
  During 16th through 20th class days   25 percent
  After the 20th class day   None
Summer Semesters (6 week courses)
  During the first 2 class days   100 percent
  During the 3rd through 5th class days   70 percent
  During the 7th class day   25 percent
  After the 6th class day   None
  Tuition and fees paid directly to Amarillo College by a sponsor, donor or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the student. Tuition and fees paid by a credit card will be refunded back to the original credit card.

Special Supplies and Equipment

In some programs, special supplies, equipment, or hand tools are considered essential for the satisfactory completion of the laboratory portion of the course and are required in addition to textbooks. In other programs, additional supplies and equipment are considered beneficial and are recommended but are not required .Following are the estimated costs of these items for each program. Students should contact the respective departments to determine whether the special supplies and equipment are recommended or required. In most cases the items may be obtained through the Amarillo College Bookstore on the campus in which the program is offered.

  Drawing   $15.00 - $150.00
  Ceramics   $15.00 - $25.00
  Painting   $75.00 - $350.00
Automotive Collision Repair   $1,550.00
Automotive Technology   $1,115.00 - $1,775.00
Aviation Technology   $950.00-$1,610.00
Dentist Aide   $400.00
Dental Hygiene   $3,500.00
Diesel Mechanics Technology   $1,115.00-$1,775.00
Drafting   $600.00
  Engineering Technology   $25.00 - $100.00
Electronic Systems Technology   $300.00
Geology   $20.00 - $50.00
Human Anatomy & Physiology I & II   $10.00
Industrial Maintenance   $200.00
Instrument and Control Technology   $250.00
Interior Design   $300.00 - $600.00
Medical Data Specialist   $75.00
Medical Laboratory    
  Technology   $600.00 - $800.00
Microbiology   $15.00
Mortuary Science   $60.00 - $700.00
Nuclear Medicine   $200.00-$400.00
  ADN   $350.00 - $800.00
  Vocational   $300.00 - $800.00
Office Administration   $15.00 - $45.00
Photography - Equipment**   $200.00 - $2,500.00
  Supplies (per semester)**   $60.00 - $300.00
Radiography   $300.00 - $600.00
Respiratory Care   $75.00 - $150.00
Welding   $150.00-$200.00
  **Not supplied by Amarillo College Bookstore    

Percentage Refund Schedule


Below are the time periods for receiving specific percentage refunds. The number of days refers to the number of days (Monday through Friday, excluding days campus is closed) that have passed since the start of the term, not the number of actual class meetings. For classes that have an irregular start date after the census date: Refund days will be counted from the first day of the semester. Example: If a class starts the first week of the term, but does not actually meet until Thursday, the days Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are still counted. So, Thursday would be the fourth class day for refund for that class.

Number of weeks in a class   Applicable Days   Refund Percentage
2-week classes   Through 1st day   100
    Through 2nd day   70
3-week classes   Through 1st day   100
    Through 3rd day   70
    Through 4th day   25
4-week classes   Through 1st day   100
    Through 4th day   70
    Through 5th day   25
5-week classes   Through 2nd day   100
    Through 5th day   70
    Through 6th day   25
6-week classes   Through 2nd day   100
    Through 5th day   70
    Through 7th day   25
7-week classes   Through 2nd day   100
    Through 7th day   70
    Through 9th day   25
8-week classes   Through 2nd day   100
    Through 8th day   70
    Through 10th day   25
9-week classes   Through 3rd day   100
    Through 9th day   70
    Through 11th day   25
10-week classes   Through 3rd day   100
    Through 9th day   70
    Through 12th day   25
11-week classes   Through 3rd day   100
    Through 10th day   70
    Through 14th day   25
12-week classes   Through 3rd day   100
    Through 12th day   70
    Through 15th day   25
13-week classes   Through 4th day   100
    Through 13th day   70
    Through 16th day   25
14-week classes   Through 4th day   100
    Through 13th day   70
    Through 17th day   25
15-week classes   Through 4th day   100
    Through 14th day   70
    Through 19th day   25
16-week classes   Through 5th day   100
    Through 15th day   70
    Through 20th day   25

No refunds will be given after 25% period.

Tuition and fees paid directly to Amarillo College by a sponsor, donor or scholarship shall be refunded to the source rather than directly to the student.

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