Feb 06, 2025  
2008-2009 Academic Catalog 
2008-2009 Academic Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Organizations and Activities

Click on any of the following links for information:

More than 30 clubs and organizations bring students personal development and enjoyment outside the classroom. The Student Government Association sponsors the Distinguished Lecture Series, live concerts, seasonal parties and other campus-wide activities. Students can also take part in intramural sports, use the College’s gymnasiums and fitness center, enjoy student lounges and take advantage of the opportunities to develop musical and acting talents through Fine Arts.

Student Government Association


The Student Government Association (SGA) is a group of AC students who are elected by fellow students to represent the student body in all matters to the Board of Regents, the administration and the faculty, and to develop student programming to enhance the learning atmosphere. Through involvement in SGA, students have the opportunity to learn and develop in a creative, intellectual, cultural, and social setting. The SGA makes recommendations regarding student interests and policies through the Director of Student Activities and the Director of Student Development.

Student Activities and Development


Student activities and development programs help students develop self- confidence and personal skills. These programs complement academic programs and contribute to the intellectual achievement of each student; moreover, they promote a good learning atmosphere. Following is a list of examples of voluntary activities:

  • Student leadership conferences
  • Student clubs and organizations
  • Musical and theatrical productions
  • Instrumental and vocal music programs
  • Co-curricular workshops, conferences, and lectures
  • Student publications and radio
  • Blue Blazers (Honorary Student Hosts)
  • Intramural athletics • Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
  • SGA-sponsored activities

Student Media


The Ranger

The office of student publications produces a weekly newspaper, The Ranger, as a forum for student opinion and a source of information to the college community.

AC Current

AC Current, a student magazine, is published each semester.


The College’s nationally award-winning radio station, KACV-FM 90, is operated by broadcast students. The 100,000 watt station broadcasts a radius of 75 miles.

Web Media

Online versions of the student media are available at http://www.ac-ranger.com (The Ranger), http://www.actx.edu/~ac_current (AC Current),  http://www.kacvfm.org (KACV-FM90), and http://www.youtube.com/amarillocollege

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